Scrabster Harbour Trust

Scrabster Harbour Trust operates the multi-purpose port of Scrabster on the North coast of Scotland. Scrabster is a key hub of economic activity in the region, catering for a wide variety of sectors such as ferry, offshore energy, fishing, cargo and cruise ships. The harbour offers extensive facilities, with 24/7, 365 days a year access to the port. Scrabster Harbour possesses a strong local supply chain and is one of the UK’s leading whitefish and shellfish landing ports.

Scrabster is a Trust port.  Modernising Trust Ports – A Guide to Good Governance describes a trust port as ‘a valuable asset presently safeguarded by the existing board, whose duty it is to hand it on, in the same or better condition to succeeding generations. The Harbour Trust is entrusted to manage, maintain and regulate the port and harbour of Scrabster for the benefit of all stakeholders. 

The Trust is established and acts in terms of various Scrabster Harbour Acts and Orders enacted in the period 1841 to 2011. The current constitution and management arrangements of the Trust are set out in the Scrabster Harbour Revision (Constitution) Order 2005.