
Port HSE audits

PSS offers a ‘friendly critic’ HSE audit service, designed to help ports understand how their health and safety performance aligns with legal requirements, sector guidance and their own operational requirements, and allowing them to benchmark against the wider port sector.

PSS auditors will conduct a thorough assessment of existing documentation and undertake onsite observations to identify those areas which require action, before any more serious issues arise. And unlike audits undertaken by certification bodies, the PSS audit also focuses on identifying areas of good practice, to ensure these are recognised and  shared across the operation.

By using PSS auditors, ports can ensure that they meet not only minimum legal standards, but the highest levels of best practice identified in the Safety in Port guidance. PSS auditors bring a wealth of knowledge in HSE management, acquired in port, offshore and other safety-critical industries, to ensure ports can minimise risks, protect their workforce, and maintain a positive reputation within the industry. Audit reports provide detailed recommendations for urgent and non-urgent action, as well as pointing to additional guidance or resources which may support improvements

As PSS is the professional safety and skills membership organisation for ports, the outcomes of audits also help to build an anonymised database of issues, best practice and recommendations which enable the entire sector to improve safety in a secure and confidential way – a unique service which only PSS and its commitment to collaboration, can provide.

Auditing service

PSS runs three audit standards:

  • Gold
  • Silver
  • Bronze

Each with optional follow-up short-term reviews of progress against audit actions, and annual check-ups.

Gold standard audit

Measuring against standards (e.g. ISO 45001, HSG65, ACOP, HSE guidance documents, SiPs). This audit includes one day of desk-based preparation, up to three days on site audit, and a final report with a presentation of findings.

Silver standard audit

Measuring compliance with local safety management system, standards, policies and procedures. This audit includes half a day of desk-based preparation, up to two days on site audit, and is concluded with a follow-up report of findings.

Bronze standard audit

This audit comprises of the PSS auditor conducting a safety site tour / walk-about and includes half a day of preparation, one day on site and inform feedback (no written report).

Optional follow ups to review of progress against audit actions. All audits are charged at per day rate with travel and accommodation charged at cost. PSS also offers a limited audit service to non-members. Contact us for more information.