
Vision and strategy

Mission statement

Port Skills and Safety Ltd is the professional safety and skills membership organisation for ports. We work in collaboration with our members to promote best practice and innovation, develop guidance and services to drive continuous improvement in safety and ensure a highly skilled workforce.


PSS’s vision is to drive the ports sector to become one of the safest places to work, with opportunities for individual growth and collective success.

PSS aims to drive positive change in skills and safety across the entire port sector.

PSS’s ability to promote open discussion within the industry allows the sharing of safety alerts amongst all members, so that all can benefit from the learnings.

Stuart Wadley, HSEQ Manager/PFSO, Lerwick Port Authority


PSS is a membership association and these six values guide the organisation and its staff.

  • Work collaboratively – we work hand in hand with our members to enhance skills and safety standards.
    Promote Excellence – we strive for excellence in service delivery, and in relationships with and between our members.
  • Engender Trust – we believe that trust is at the heart of working together to create a safe, inclusive, and progressive culture in ports.
  • Encourage Respect – we promote a no blame culture in order to share lessons from incidents and produce guidance to avoid repeating them.
  • Being Supportive – we facilitate best practice, by driving collaboration between members and enabling them to develop their organisations.
  • Inspire Innovation – we support innovation for continuous improvement in port skills and safety.