Port Skills and Safety Ltd is the professional safety and skills membership organisation for ports. We work in collaboration with our members to promote best practice and innovation, develop guidance and deliver services to drive continuous improvement in safety and ensure a highly skilled workforce.
Our vision is to drive the ports sector to become one of the safest places to work, with opportunities for individual growth and collective success. We drive positive change in skills and safety across the entire port sector.
PSS has over 130 ports, services and training providers in our membership, and along with our partner organisations, the British Ports Association and UK Major Ports Group, cover most commercial ports in the UK.
We are recognised by Government departments and agencies, including the Department for Transport, Health and Safety Executive and the Maritime and Coastguard Agency.
PSS is a company limited by guarantee (without share capital), governed by Articles of Understanding, with an independent board appointed to oversee the strategic direction of the organisation.
At Shoreham Port we are proud to be members of PSS, the cross-sector learning is a valuable enabler in supporting us continue to improve our safety management system. Through PSS we are able to develop our network, sharing innovations and opportunities in an environment that is supportive of the common objective of improving safety standards and skills across Ports.
Tom Willis, Chief Executive, Shoreham Port
PSS takes common action on behalf of members, collaboratively sets industry standards and best practice, and supports the development of port safety regulation, policy and guidance.
If you would like to find out more about what we do, what is going on to improve standards in the ports industry and how you can become involved, please feel free to explore this site and get in touch with us at info@portskillsandsafety.co.uk.
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