Blog post: PSS visit to Harwich Haven Authority
News |Published: Aug 27, 2024

In August, PSS Skills Lead, Angela Ward hosted the Department for Transport (DfT) policy teams on a visit to PSS members, Harwich Haven Authority (HHA).
The DfT were represented by Alex Green and Janna Nayeem from the global Intelligence and people and skills, logistics and supply chains policy team; and Nicolle Paisley, senior policy advisor, maritime operations. It was an opportunity for PSS to highlight the amazing training opportunities which exist in ports, particularly for apprentices new into the sector.
HHA marine director and harbour master Will Barker gave an overview of the work of the harbour authority before handing over to duty officer Graham Meachen for a tour of the VTS emergency room and introductions to vessel traffic services (VTS) officers Steve Noakes and Kieran Bradley.

The group was treated to a trip out on the pilotage boat and was fortunate enough to get up close to two of the largest ships in the world at the Port of Felixstowe. The wind out at sea was a good reminder to all of the complexity and demands placed on the pilots when undertaking pilot transfers in bad weather.

Vanessa Mann, people and culture manager and Helen Rudd, strategy and partnerships director provided an insight into the current and future skills requirements for Harwich and in the wider port sector, as well as the challenges they face recruiting people who are not always aware of the work of the port. However, they also talked about their recent successes, including the large amount of interest they received for their apprenticeship programmes and the first graduate at Harwich. It was refreshing to hear that HHA is increasing the number of apprenticeships it offers beyond its own requirements to play its part in increasing the talent pool within the industry.
Getting out and meeting members and highlighting the important work they do, is a vital part of PSS’s work. To organise a tour of your port, please do not hesitate to get in touch.