
Port Skills Group: 27 November 2024

Meeting - Port Skills Group

The Port Skills Group (PSkG) will meet in Leith on Wednesday 27 November arrival 10:30 for a start at 11:00. The meeting should conclude at 15:45, followed by a port tour.

PSkG brings together all those working for PSS member organisations in collaboration to share ideas and shape skills in the ports sector. It is important that this work has involvement from members of both small and large ports and harbours from a cross-section of geographical areas.

PSkG meetings are intended to share best practice, improve awareness of skills and careers initiatives and resources, share data and allow networking with other learning and development, HR and training professionals.

The meeting agenda and relevant attachments will be distributed one week prior to the meeting.

To sign up to this event or for further information on this event please contact

To sign up contact