Knowledge Hub

Port Industry Incident Statistics 2021

Port industry incident statistics |

Industry performance summary

The report into the 2021 port industry accident statistics indicate that Lost Time Incidents (LTI), High Potential Incidents (HiPo), and RIDDOR reportable incidents have all decreased in the last twelve months, with three organisations declaring zero LTIs in 2021. However, the top incident location for LTIs continues to be the quayside alongside a vessel, with approximately 20% of LTI port incidents occurring in this vicinity. This data suggests that ports are seeing some success with the application of health and safety procedures, but it should be noted that COVID measures still in place in 2021 reduced the number of personnel on site.

The full Port Industry Accident Statistics Report for 2021 is available to download below


Previous annual statistics reports were prepared by a third-party using data collated separately to the quarterly reporting led by PSS. However, for 2021, the report was compiled using data collected from those ports contributing to the ongoing PSS benchmarking dashboard. Therefore, terminology, categories, and data collection methods all differ slightly from previous years, meaning direct comparisons to 2020 results should be treated with caution. The data coverage spans eighteen contributing ports with an average of just over 12,000 direct employees and statistics are compiled on a ‘per 100 average employees’ basis.

Provision of data by members

All PSS members are encouraged to participate in the incident reporting process to ensure that the statistics are as accurate as possible and allow for more advanced data analysis. Members who do not currently contribute and wish to start should contact us for further information.
