Port of Waterford

Our vision is to be the preferred cargo gateway for the South East Region.

Our mission is to provide infrastructure and services to enable trade and economic development in the Region.

We carry out our work with the following values:

Honourable – we act with integrity and sincerity, being honest and fair in our dealings.
Bold – we are driven, agile and fresh, brave and do the right things for the right reasons.
Can do – we are optimistic, friendly and approachable.
Ours – we are local with pride in our community and our Port, supportive and with a real regard for our stakeholders, partners and shared environment.


We are bound for the Code of Practice for the governance of State Bodies, and we employ Codes of Practice for Directors and Employees.

In accordance with EU Port Services Regulations, Port of Waterford has a complaints procedure in place.

We operate within the Waterford Harbour/Estuary Community and engage with members of this community in a way that is consistent with our values. We recognise the special relationship and shared history that the Port has with the city of Waterford. We build on existing relationships and develop new ones in the whole South East Region.

We also participate in several social programmes around our harbour, including:

Junior Achievement
Port Sailing Bursary
Waterford Harbour Sailing Club

Facilities and Operations

Port of Waterford is involved in bulk, general cargoes and container handling through its licenced stevedores, who employ skilled workforces with modern efficient equipment and have significant storage available close to the Port.

Cargo Handling
Port operations run 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Ports at Belview and Waterford inner port operate under the ISPS Code (International Ship & Port Security). Port of Waterford is involved in bulk, general cargoes and container handling through its licenced stevedores, who employ skilled workforces with modern efficient equipment and have significant storage available close to the Port.

There are several covered and open storage options, depending on cargo attributes.

A number of experienced local agencies can represent ship owners’ and charterers’ interests while in Waterford.

Port of Waterford is operating at Security Level 1 and is in compliance with the ISPS Code, the international standard for port security. Port operations run 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Ports at Belview and Waterford inner port operate under the ISPS Code (International Ship & Port Security).

There are a number of local experienced towage operators who have a variety of vessels available to assist for berthing, departing or repairing operations.

Port of Waterford in committed to and is engaged in a continuous improvement regime and the implementation of systems and processes that will make a real difference to the environment. This regime includes managing our Ships Waste Reception facilities to the highest standard, reducing our energy usage, managing product/cargo run-off on the quays and utilising new technologies to best advantage. Various projects are being undertaken to monitor and reduce consumption.

Health & Safety
Port of Waterford is committed to the health, safety and welfare of all persons on its sites. All visitors to operational areas (Quays) are required to have undertaken and passed our on-line Health & Safety Induction program unless accompanied by a member of staff. Our Health & Safety Policy and online induction can be accessed here.

Engineering Support Services
Local companies offer both repairs to equipment and manufacturing of steel products for the industrial and marine sectors as well as specialist port products including hoppers, grabs and lifting equipment. Each provider has proven quality workmanship and reliability of service.

Tide & Weather
The state of the tide and weather influences the everyday activity in a port. Weather conditions will impact the timing of arrival and departure of shipping and also has a significant bearing on when and if certain cargoes can be handled. The tidal range in Waterford Estuary runs from 3.5 metres to almost 4.9 metres, ie the height the tide will rise over the low water mark (datum).