Port of Sunderland

Port of Sunderland is owned and operated by Sunderland City Council and is delivering an exciting strategic plan diversifying its business activity to meet the demand of 21st century supply chains. The port consists of a 265-acre site situated on the south side of the River Wear.

Positioned at the heart of the North East coastline, the port is just minutes from open sea providing a gateway to the world. Its accessibility from sea teamed with excellent road, rail and air links, makes the port ideally placed for import and export projects.

The port has four commercial business areas:

  • Circular economy
  • Commodities
  • Multimodal and developments
  • Offshore and renewable energy

The port continues to work with the investment community establishing the port as a location of choice for self-funded private section investment partners to develop new, circular economy chains, for example Wastefront and Quantafuel, who have both recently invested in the port estate.

Development sites, cargo laydown and warehousing adjacent to its marine facilities, mean the port can play a key role in supporting the commodity and multimodal sectors cargo sectors and we regularly handle feed stock commodities such as dry bulks, steel, wood pulp, construction materials, aggregates etc.

With deep water berths open 24/7 and large ship capability, the port can play a major role in supporting the offshore and renewable energy sector, as well as providing comprehensive port operations services and potential for operations and maintenance activities. With heavy involvement in supporting a number of renewable energy projects, including multiple vessel port calls and the storage of assets within the port prior to their deployment in the field, the port continues to garner a reputation of being ready and able to commit to projects that require planning and control over longer periods of time.

Port of Sunderland is one of the major economic regeneration sites in the North East and has brownfield development sites with premises and land available on attractive lease terms. Two of these sites have Enterprise Zone Status, which have included the progression of infrastructure enabling works to deliver two ‘shovel ready’ development sites comprising with rail connectivity and remedial works to improve connectivity to the 3km port perimeter road.