Poole Harbour Commissioners

Poole Harbour Commissioners (PHC) are a Trust Port, established by an Act of Parliament in 1895, with responsibility for the management of Poole Harbour including operation of the Port of Poole. PHC is both the Statutory Harbour Authority (under the Harbours Act 1964) and Competent Harbour Authority (with relation to the Pilotage Act 1987) for Poole Harbour.

Poole Harbour is the largest natural harbour in Europe, providing a diverse variety of habitats which form a complex natural environment which is home to a wide range of animal and plant species, many of which are of international importance.

The Port of Poole successfully handles a wide variety of vessels including:

• Cross-channel ferry services to France, Channel Islands and Spain
• Cruise Ships
• Liner vessels including regular twice weekly services to the Channel Islands
• Marine leisure yachts at our two award winning marinas
• Superyachts
• Project cargo vessels
• Bulk-cargo vessels carrying cargos such as steel, timber, stone, clay, sand, bricks and grain shipments
• Yacht transport vessels
• Navy & Border Force vessels

A deepwater facility, “South Quay”, was built in 2018 and can accommodate ships up to 210m in length.

Notwithstanding the commercial trade, the leisure and marina trade is integral to the overall business of the Port. Poole Harbour is undoubtedly one of the largest marine leisure markets on the South Coast and
enjoys a strategic location, offering varied and extensive berthing for boat users. PHC have operated Poole Quay Boat Haven since 2001, providing 125 berths for leisure yachts and fishing vessels.