Caledonian Maritime Assets Ltd

Caledonian Maritime Assets Limited owns the ferries, ports and harbours and infrastructure necessary for vital ferry services serving the West coast of Scotland, the Clyde Estuary and the Northern Isles.

We are wholly owned by the Scottish Government with Scottish Ministers the sole shareholders.

The Caledonian Maritime Assets Limited Board has an executive management team and supporting staff at headquarters in Port Glasgow.

We aim to provide efficient, cost-effective and safe ferries, harbours and port infrastructure for operators, communities and users in and around Scotland.

Maintaining, improving and enhancing assets such as vessels and the land and property around piers and harbours
Seeking extra investment to invest in ferries and harbour facilities, making a real difference for people and businesses using these life-line services.

Working with stakeholders within Scotland and the wider maritime community to be acknowledged as the principal provider of the most cost-effective yet innovative ferries and port infrastructure to the benefit of the communities we serve.