TT Club Innovation in Safety Award – Open for Entries
News |Published: Sep 4, 2024

Entries are now open for the latest TT sponsored / ICHCA organised innovation in safety award.
Whilst the transport of cargo is common place in the port industry, there continue to be areas of concern surrounding safety in this area. The intention of this award is to help highlight the challenges – such as risk of explosion, fire, fall, crushing etc. and drive forward safety for both the ships crew and the port operators.
“The good news is that cargo handlers, carriers and the developers of technological devices and systems of all shapes and sizes are diligently producing innovations to improve risk control, I’m pleased to say that working with ICHCA, our efforts in encouraging such innovation are having a positive effect. This Award plays a significant role in those efforts.”
Mike Yarwood – TT Club’s MD Loss Prevention
All entries to this award are welcomed. Further details and the entry form can be found on the ICHCA website.