Port Skills and Safety appoints new Board member
News |Published: Jun 21, 2022
Port Skills and Safety Ltd (PSS) has appointed maritime communications professional Helen Kelly to its Board of Directors.

Helen has more than 17 years’ experience in the maritime industry, working most recently as director of communications, campaigns and digital at Nautilus International, the trade union for maritime professionals across the UK, Netherlands and Switzerland.
PSS Board of Directors chair David Brown said: “Helen is joining the board at a critical time when we seek to redefine our strategy and show strong leadership in driving safety and performance standards for port members.”
PSS chief executive Debbie Cavaldoro said: “Helen’s deep experience in shipping communications and trade union campaigning will round out the PSS board’s broad expertise and help shape the future of the organisation. I look forward to working with her on behalf of PSS members.’
The PSS board works to ensure a clear strategy to make ports safer and to create a highly skilled workforce. It plays a critical role in setting the agenda for a growing safety-critical member organisation.
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Notes to editors
Port Skills and Safety is the UK’s professional ports health and safety membership organisation. We exist to make UK ports safer and more skilled. Our parent organisations, the British Ports Association and UK Major Ports Group, cover most of the UK commercial ports and we draw upon their networks and expertise.