Blog post: PSS visit to Aberdeen
News |Published: Apr 29, 2024
Having attended the UK Harbour Masters Association (UKHMA) Conference in Edinburgh at the end of April, PSS chief executive Debbie Cavaldoro and health, safety and culture lead, Jen Maddison travelled to Aberdeen to visit members Peterson Energy Logistics, STC Insiso, and Sea-Cargo.
It was great to meet the team at Peterson Energy Logistics and learn more about their organisation and the services they provide. We talked about safety culture, their commitment to innovation, and data, prompting a discussion about the PSS data dashboard and the COMET data project. The team at Peterson explained how they support apprentices, and talked about their Lighthouse software before Jen demonstrated the new Port and Harbours Emergency Flashcards.
At Sea-Cargo, Debbie and Jen were treated to a site tour with general manager Andrew Dolman to see how the company operates within the Port of Aberdeen. Andrew provided an in-depth explanation of Sea-Cargo’s operations and the cargos they handle for customers. We also discussed the challenges around maritime apprenticeships in Scotland, how PSS and the skills group might support the work that Sea-Cargo are doing to develop training courses and how others could benefit through collaboration.
Our visit to STC Insiso allowed us catch up with their team, some of whom we’d only met online previously! We discussed the data project, the management of the data dashboard and the COMET software. The COMET software has exciting benefits which PSS is working with STC to implement for the benefit of members.
As always, visiting members’ sites provides us with a much greater insight into operations, the challenges faced and the successes achieved. If you would like us to visit you, please drop us a line!