Blog post: Port visit to Portsmouth
News |Published: Feb 16, 2024
In February PSS CEO, Debbie Cavaldoro and events manager Rhiannon Harty visited PSS members Portsmouth International Port and Portico to have a look around their facilities and chat safety and innovation.
Portsmouth International Port prides itself on being one of the most accessible ports in the UK, with the motorway passing just outside the port gates. It is also an early adopter of innovative technologies environmental initiative. Their impressive new cruise terminal boasts a number of ‘living walls’ and uses sea water cooling systems.
Chris Hatter, head of compliance at the port, conducted the tour and gave Debbie and Rhiannon the opportunity to speak to a number of employees, all of whom spoke very highly of the port’s dedication to safety and to being an upstanding member of the community. Even down to one employee who stopped Chris to compliment him on a recent talk at the local school and how disappointed her son had been to miss it. Cue Chris immediately handing her a card for her son to get in touch directly!
The port will be playing host to the great and the good of the ports world in October as the venue of 2024 British Ports Association conference. PSS has already made sure to bag a good spot for their stall.
A short hop down the road is fellow PSS member Portico, who handle the cargo side of Portsmouth sea trade. Ryan Jackson, senior health and safety advisor, took over the tour on a rare quiet day on site. The innovation thread also runs strongly through Portico including two new cranes which can be jointly, remotely operated.
Until recently, Portico specialised in the import of bananas, and this is still a large part of the business. However, a concerted effort to diversify and ambitious expansion plans, now sees them handling a range of cargos.
Getting out and meeting members at their locations is an important part of PSS’s work, both helping us to understand our members’ needs and for members to ensure they get the most from their membership. To organise a tour of your port, please do not hesitate to get in touch.