
PSS Innovation in Port Safety: 07 February 2024


The PSS Innovation event will bought together PSS members and those working in port safety to discuss new developments and input into new ideas to make UK ports safer. Hosted at the Poole Harbour Commissioner’s Harbour Office, this event provides a great opportunity to be inspired about the future of port safety.

This event took place on Wednesday 07 February in Poole. Registration is now closed.

09:30Arrival and registration
10:15Welcome addressDebbie Cavaldoro / Dave Laut / Mark Rushton
PSS / Poole Harbour Commissioners / Comet
10:30Overcoming challenges with new data solutions in ports Chris Hatter
Portsmouth International Port
11:00Maritime UK and Google – AI in maritime AncorisAncoris
11:30Port warehouse simulator serious game Mark Robinson
Chrome Angels Limited
12:00RightPort – risk solutions, enhancing ports and terminals resilience and safety Yucel Yidiz
13.15Exhibitors and networking
14.00Accelerating innovation in safety critical industries Helen Evans and Richard McLoughlin
Safety Accelerator
14.30Innovation in safety – an insurers’ perspective Neil Dalus
The TT Club
15.10How data can enable more productive decision making for safer ports Cato Davies
Ensemble Analytics
15.40Safety considerations with uncrewed operations Gordon Meadow
SeaBot Maritime
16.10Closing remarksDebbie Cavaldoro

If your port is currently trialling new port safety innovations or your organisation has ideas for safety improvements using new technology and would be interested in presenting at this event or securing an exhibitors space, please get in touch

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